15+ Years Experience

Specialist Shop Front Fitters

Shop Fitters in Crook | Commercial Shop Fit Out

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We are a leading shop fitting company based in the UK and work closely with our clients in Crook to create a stunning store suitable for their brands.

Our company offers a complete service for businesses across the UK from London to Scotland.

We design, build, and renovate shops so you have something suitable for your brand. We can offer an excellent service, as we work with the best manufacturers for our stock, as well as a fully qualified construction team to fit your shop.

If you are renovating your shop in Crook or need a new custom base for your business, we are the leading shop fitters for the job.

To learn more about a new project or get an idea of our completed work, please contact the team today.

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Table of Contents

Why Choose Us?

We are local shop fitters in Crook who have worked with numerous businesses across the UK to design and build an extensive range of stores.

Working with our company gives you a solid base for your business and an attractive shop to draw in customers, helping you make more connections locally as well as bring in more money to the business overall. We have completed numerous projects over the years and know exactly how to attract your desired client base.

We are proud to have been recently voted the Top-Rated Shop Fit Out Builders in the United Kingdom when up against all of the top-rated Shop Fitting Companies.

Our company has been providing a complete shop fitting service for a number of years and over this time we have perfected our services. We can work with all elements of shop fitting, including the design of your new shop, as well as the fitting of anything from floors and ceilings to shelving for your products.

Our team in Crook has such a passion for the work we do, which, combined with our extensive experience makes us the best shop fitters to create a home for your business.

shop fitters in Crook


Our team is fully certified and accredited in the design and construction of commercial properties.

With our many years of experience, we are a reliable and quality shop fitting company to work with for your business. We can provide an efficient service for all your requirements, working with you until the project is complete.

To work with us or learn more, please contact the team today.

Shop Fitting Cost Crook

The average cost for a low-specification renovation in the UK starts at £65 per square metre.

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The total cost for shop fitting can vary greatly based on the needs of our client, such as:

Our company can offer additional services such as design and complete renovation of all shops, but the amount of work required will influence the price.

It is also important to note that the location of your business will also affect the price, meaning stores in London may cost more than those in an area further North due to the London Surcharge.

As we have many years of experience with shop fitting in Crook, we can work to suit all requirements and create the perfect shop for your customer base. We can offer advice regarding the best process for your business, and we take pride in being able to find the best solution for our customers.

We take a lot of pride in our work and want to provide the best service to all our customers, which is why we also offer reasonable prices for a complete range of services. You can search for examples of our previous work on our website, along with news about future projects or sale items.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with our highly skilled team for a quote.

Benefits of a Professional Fit-Out

Working with professional shop fitters is an investment for your business and customers, but one that can offer a lot of benefits.

Shop fitters provide expert design for every shop, creating a new custom shop for your business that will attract the right customer base and represent your brand well. A completed professional shop fit out not only creates a space to attract local customers but it can also work to grow your overall business.

Benefits of a Professional Fit-Out Crook

There is still a lot of power in having a physical shop for your local customers to browse stock and connect with your brand, which is why we continue to supply hundreds of shop fittings across the UK.

Types of Fit Out Works

We offer all categories of shop fit out services to ensure we have something to suit all our clients.

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With our many years of experience, we not only have the skills necessary to get the job done, but we can also offer advice regarding the best options for your business and budget.

Shell and Core Fit Out Crook

A shell and core fit out is an efficient option for businesses in Crook looking to renovate the layout and interior of their shops, as the framework of the building is already completed with this service.

From the outside of the shop, it may seem as though the work is already complete, but our job begins inside, where fittings such as walls, ceilings, and flooring, along with electricals, lightning, and other major interior components, are needed.

We can offer a complete custom interior renovation for a client requiring this kind of fitting and have worked on many projects over the years. With our quality installation and selection of products in stock, such as lighting and shelving, we will be providing a complete interior renovation for your business.

Cat A Fit Out Crook

Category A Fit Out is ideal for commercial spaces which are ready to be rented out. Similar to the previous type of fitting, the main layout is already complete, but additional interior work is required.

Helpful fitting is done on these projects, where our great team of workers will be providing things such as:

This kind of shop fitting is a way of taking the empty build of the shop and making it more suitable for purpose. If you have rented or bought a shop in a real estate sale in Crook, then shop fitters will be needed to create a safe, accessible space for customers.

Cat B Fit Out Crook

Category B Fit Out projects are those that take things a step further and focus on the appeal of your business and the aesthetics of your shop.

While a Category A fitting will get the place ready to use, Category B is what creates the home for your business and designs a custom space for your brand. This is the kind of shop fitting that determines the differences between different kinds of stores, for example, the way pharmacies look different from a clothing store.

With this kind of fitting in Crook, your brand image, stock supply, and customer base are considered.

Our staff have a lot of experience working with all kinds of shop fittings and can help with your project. We can supply all forms of interior fitting and offer a reliable service.

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What is a Retail Fit Out?

Retail fit out, or shop fitting, is the process of designing, constructing, and installing the interior of a shop to suit the business in Crook.

What is a Retail Fit Out Crook Durham

Our team of shop fitters has worked in this field for many years, ensuring we can serve all requirements.

If you are looking for a retail fit out, please make sure to get in touch with us today for a free quote.

What Businesses Can We Fit Out?

As well as shop fitting, our team can also provide fit outs for the following businesses:

To work with us or learn more, please contact our customer service team today.


What is Involved in a Shop Fit Out?

A shop fit out focuses on the interior of the store and what is required in the job will be determined by the property and the client, but usually, the design and installation of interiors is the main bulk of work.

How Long Does it Take To Fit Out a Shop?

The total time for the construction phase of ashop fitting can be between 4 and 16 week.

However, the exact time will vary based on the requirements of our clients.

What is the Difference Between Category A and B Fit Out?

Category A shop fitting focuses on ensuring the building is suitable for its purpose, whereas Category B focuses more on the aesthetics and design of your store.

shop fitting company Durham

How Do You Fit a Shop Out?

We find that the process for our shop fitters varies based on the state of the place we are working in and the work that is required to get it suitable for our clients.

This also influences the amount of time it takes to get the work done.

What Does Shopfitting Include?

Our shop fitters offer a complete service of design, construction, and installation of shop interiors.

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We are a leading team of reliable shop fitters in the UK, offering a great range of services to businesses.

We have a significant number of years of experience in the field in Crook, which gives us a great understanding of what is required by stores today. We take our client’s needs into account every step of the way to ensure we create a quality store interior that suits their brand.

If you are looking for efficient and reliable shop fitters, then you have come to the right place.

Please get in touch with us today to learn more, or browse our website for news on upcoming projects.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great shop fitting services in North East.

Here are some towns we cover near Crook.

Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor, Durham, Newton Aycliffe, Barking
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What Others Say About Our Services

"The team worked non stop to complete our big project. They were always very polite any time we needed to chat and ensured we were happy with what they were doing throughout. Our store looks amazing and we are very pleased with the results"

Food Store

"The staff are always very friendly, showed up on time, and were polite to everyone. We are very pleased with our fit out and will certainly return to this company next time we need help. Would highly recommend!"


For more information on shop fitting in Crook, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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